The Award Winning Author

Deirdre Piper was born in Louisiana and was raised in Southern California. After enjoying every moment of public school, she majored in Business Administration in college and received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration: Classical Management – Human Resource Administration from California State University, Dominquez Hills. She also attended National University, where she earned a Master of Science Degree in Educational Counseling.

Deirdre’s purpose is to help people do better in their life, in whatever way is most meaningful to them. Over the years, she has come across school-age students who have not learned basic life skills. As an author, Deirdre’s goal is to reach out to those who do not have these skills. Her new book, The Book on Basic Skills – Use These Tools for a Better You, brings that goal to fruition. Deirdre’s greatest pleasure comes from knowing that she has had an influence on someone’s life.

The Book On Basic Skills

Use These Tools for a Better You

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